It was meant to be the first album in a tetralogy detailing the conflicts between the Moles (a subterranean society whose gods offer salvation through hard labor) and the Chubs (a vapid, hedonistic culture).
A belief in the importance of 'self' and 'my ego-fulfilment'becomes a childish occupation that continues into adulthood, militates against the collective (the community generally) and feeds aggressive consumerism, individualism and hedonistic culture.
-nurd planet of Niushe, noted in the Imperium for its hedonistic culture and exotic sexual practices.
The Chemical Generation refers to a collection of writers in the 1990s who added a literary dimension to the hedonistic ecstasy culture of the era.
Yet here we have a woman, a beautiful pampered product of a hedonistic culture, who ardently seduces you on your first evening together, virtually begging for your embrace.
In an article published by Books and Culture: A Christian Review, he wrote "we need to counter our hedonistic, materialistic, and self-centered culture with true Christian compassion, self sacrifice, and self denial."
GAMONT: third planet of Niushe; noted for its hedonistic culture and exotic sexual practices.
Inside, Mr. Farrakhan demanded that young blacks regain their pride and turn their backs on a violent and hedonistic popular culture that he said was destroying them.
And that very abandonment of effort; that growing inertia; that lapse into softness and into a decadent and hedonistic culture, means the ruin of the Plan.