Because millions of people with time and money to burn, mostly not poor and not black, are willing to spend billions of dollars in the hedonistic pursuit of a proverbial good time.
I knew this stuff vaguely, but it wasn't as important as the hedonistic pursuits of my daily life.
She could not help but frown every time she saw Venport's commercial ambitions, his comfortable profit goals, his hedonistic pursuits.
Soon the bored audiences returned to their slothful, hedonistic pursuits.
Therefore it promoted the idea of irresponsible credit and excessive spending on hedonistic pursuits to achieve its goals.
Upon graduation, he groups together with some of his Brakebills friends where they spend the days and nights in hedonistic pursuits, apparently a common theme for magicians who have it very easy in this world.
Inebriation, carousing, and other hedonistic pursuits might actually be fun with you two- " He glanced at Harry.
The Augustan History suggests Perennis also persuaded Commodus to allow him political control, freeing the Emperor for his more hedonistic personal pursuits.
Scattered about the floor of the main chamber of his lair, his guests never paused in their hedonistic pursuits.