It's not worth the hefty $4.75 extra charge on the dinner.
It could be worth it for the newlywed reality star - and, let's face it, she can afford to pay the hefty charge.
But the company is taking hefty charges - $667 million in the fourth quarter alone - related to its business overhaul.
These blasters pack a pretty hefty charge when set at maximum.
If allowed, Bell Atlantic would have avoided hefty charges on future reported earnings.
If your payment date is at the very beginning of the month, you will be assessed a hefty late charge every single month.
After a hefty extraordinary charge for disposals and closures, Storehouse showed a £28.3m loss.
It would almost have been worth the hefty extra charge for SS com video.
Analysts said management would have to justify another round of hefty charges.
It will cost a bit too, with all the banks (in typical Australian-bank fashion) applying hefty charges for changing your cheques.