Stocks like Microsoft and Intel had hefty gains, though they remain below their recent highs.
Despite a strong fourth-quarter performance, stock mutual funds showed less hefty gains in 1992 than in recent years.
And yet despite that hefty gain, the effective federal tax rate of the top 1 percent decreased slightly.
And real estate, commodities and gold have all made hefty gains in the last year.
This gauge flattened during the summer following hefty year-over-year gains in the spring.
For now, though, Hong Kong's government is sitting on hefty gains.
Yesterday's hefty gain benefited from a relatively stable dollar and improving stock prices abroad.
Markets Stock mutual funds showed less hefty gains in 1992 than in recent years, despite a strong fourth quarter.
Temporary help and computer and health services also had hefty gains.
Analysts said Merck might have wanted to book a hefty gain this year when its pharmaceutical earnings are expected to be flat.