Other parts of the deal entail even heftier investments by Columbia.
But only the wealthiest companies can make such hefty investments.
With 20,000 citizens and hefty investments in this country, France has dispatched 2,500 soldiers to police the truce.
More importantly, as getting a university education is becoming such a hefty investment, you'd better be sure that you are doing the right thing.
But solar cells are still a hefty investment in the short term.
Basic Books is also making a hefty investment in the project.
At $30 a class, or 10 for $235, building a pert posterior is a hefty investment.
It needn't take a hefty investment to make an impact.
Producing this deluge can also be a hefty investment, often requiring a team of consultants.
Last week, the club made a hefty investment in its future by drafting eight highly touted players.