No one has ever lowered the 200-meter record by such a hefty margin.
The Giants may have finished second in penalties, but they also ranked first in opponent penalties, and by a hefty margin.
Berlusconi enjoyed another victory Wednesday evening - and by a much heftier margin.
"Beneath the Governor's race, most of your candidates who won were Democrats, and they won by pretty hefty margins in some instances."
There is a history in presidential campaigns of candidates' winning their home state primaries by hefty margins, often by more than 40 percentage points.
Asked what the most important quality was in a candidate, they said by a hefty margin that it was standing up for what one believed.
On election day, the 46-year-old Lill surprised the pundits when she won the riding by a hefty margin of more than 2,000 votes.
Much -perhaps most - of the money has been made with new techniques and new products that can be sold at hefty margins.
The Senate later approved its version by a heftier margin, leading to negotiations that reached agreement on Thursday.
He was elected mayor in 1957 and re-elected by a hefty margin in 1961.