"Therefore, until the Hansa brings the perpetrators of this heinous action publicly to justice, and renounces all such piracy in the future, trade is hereby severed between our peoples."
What will be effective, however, is a worldwide unity that speaks and acts against terrorism, suicide fanatics and those who teach and recruit individuals for such heinous actions.
And now you cravenly try to avoid facing the responsibility of your heinous actions!
His heinous actions are therefore vindicated and he can be satisfied that the system is there to protect him.
"I think you would agree that this is a heinous and risky action," stated the electronic message, which was sent using a free Yahoo E-mail account.
- Deleted voicemails gave family false hope - Hacking interfered with police hunt - Family lawyer: actions 'heinous and despicable'
His heinous actions - a car bombing of government buildings and a shooting spree at a Labor Party youth camp - make him no different from the jihadists.
He must drum in that fact, must emphasize that obviously not all Southerners had been party to this heinous action.
"The destruction of that world was a heinous action," Astra said.
It is a mistake to blame the entire page program for the heinous actions of one congressman.