James Green, 50, who has lived in Floral Park all his life, said helicopter noise had worsened.
Sikorsky officials acknowledge that helicopter noise is part of living near the plant.
On clear days, helicopter noise is audible for 30 minutes of every daylight hour, the Park Service says.
The helicopter noise faded away as the craft, unable to contribute to the search, were probably ordered to move out.
In the last year or so, many neighborhood groups have sprung up to protest helicopter noise but have not got very far.
Of course living in a major metropolitan area such as LA, helicopter noise has long been a fact of life.
The helicopter noise came and went, as if it was circling around somewhere in the vicinity.
With this wind it is hard to hear helicopter noises.
Community exasperation over helicopter noise and fumes there has prompted city officials to promise to cut its operations by almost half.
For years, New Yorkers have complained about helicopter noise to just about anyone who would listen.