His mother works for a helicopter shuttle based in Boston.
For the business aviation operator, the airport lies approximately one hour drive time from the west end of London but offers helicopter shuttles in 20 minutes.
But the preferred alternative, a helicopter shuttle, is hardly a safe bet.
While many major airports have helicopter shuttles, the aircraft can carry so few people that the service is too expensive for the average person.
To reserve a ride in the helicopter shuttle, call 617-492-1234, extension 2097.
I had made my own modest, star-like entry to Monaco a few hours earlier, flying in on the smart helicopter shuttle from Nice airport.
At times a helicopter shuttle was used for access to the skifield.
The helicopter shuttle to the Isles of Scilly provides an essential public service and is the mainstay of the islands' economy.
The helicopter shuttle to the Isles of Scilly is a vitally important link and a necessity to my region.
"That's the signal for the next helicopter shuttle to Vienna," he explained to Ben.