Later Saturday, two brothers, both members of Hamas, were killed in a helicopter strike, as was a 16-year-old Palestinian, according to Agence France-Presse.
An earlier helicopter strike damaged a Palestinian radio station in Gaza City affiliated with the Hamas faction, damaging the offices but causing only minor injuries.
In Gaza, two Israeli helicopter strikes directed at Hamas militants killed 10 Palestinians on Wednesday.
An errant helicopter strike.
Zero kills the couple and orders a helicopter strike to kill Wolverine.
Later, helicopter strikes were reportedly hitting all four neighborhoods.
During the Battle of the Bulge a formation of five of these aircraft conducted the world's first helicopter strike against armour.
The Pentagon did not respond to questions from The Times about the rules of engagement for the helicopter strike.
Soldiers continued sealing off a bridge across the Tigris River into the city and called in helicopter strikes.
The sheik was killed in an Israeli helicopter strike as he left a Gaza City mosque after Monday morning prayers.