"There's a special place in hell reserved for murderers, Llewell."
"There is a special place in hell reserved for liars like Golan Cipel," he said.
"Of all the traitors who have ever lived, Lanik Mueller, there must be a special place in hell reserved for you."
"No doubt there's a special circle of hell reserved for those two."
There's a special rung in hell reserved for people who waste good scotch.
But in this particular religion, there's a special circle of hell reserved for rebate cheats.
There's a special area of hell reserved for politicians, but Pickles area is going to be so big it'll have it's own time-zone.
There must be a private circle of hell reserved for technical writers like that.
God had allowed him to see the hell reserved for his sins: stinking, bestial, malignant, a hell of lecherous goatish fiends.
Sarko will be cast to the special circle of hell reserved for the likes of Vichy and other Frenchmen who bowed before their German overlords.