He ran to the window and stared out at the hellish red glow in the dark that held the stable area.
It fell with a splash and vanished into the scalding, hellish glow.
There were wide cracks in the walls through which could be seen the hellish glow of the fires outside.
Had he somehow succumbed to that hellish blue glow?
The light vanished from its eyes and then a hellish green glow flickered there.
His drive must be giving off a hellish glow, but he hoped he was far enough down for the mist to hide it.
The spring air was chilly here, despite the hellish glow above them.
Reluctantly he opened his eyes, and was greeted with the hellish red glow of emergency lighting.
The lanterns below chased away the magic of the moonlight and gave everything a hellish glow.
His face looked almost demonic in the hellish, green glow from his chemical light.