If he bit you, you'd have a helluva time getting away from him.
I had a helluva time convincing the board to take a chance on a documentary in the first place.
That's why I was having such a helluva time getting through to you.
"I've had a helluva time writing this past week," he admitted.
Without a broad or anyone else to talk to, it seemed a helluva long time.
I was having a helluva time with my shirt.
It's a helluva time to be an English cricket fan.
We'd have a helluva time just g it to hold together- under its own weight in the of the moon@ much less Jupiter.
Be that as it may, the local kids gave that poor old man a helluva time.
He thought about it constantly, couldn't concentrate on the rest of his work, and was having a helluva time sleeping.