Variations on these models would help advance the technology needed to keep the financial service sector of the economy competitive.
She'd never be one to appreciate me and help advance my career.
It also helped advance the reputation of American writers with an international audience.
As a result of this unfortunate experience, the song would help advance their success.
A 2001 law permitting three casinos helped advance the idea.
Members serve as leaders for the association, which has multiple committees working together to help advance the profession.
There were several reasons why the bazaar class worked hard to help advance the revolution.
You think twice about the plan and decide what will help advance your plan best.
The success of the film helped advance his screenwriting career.
Yet, new developments in media technology helped advance the field.
And few would rule out the possibility that some element of the military has commercial ambitions that ties to President Clinton might help advance.
There was wide interest in focusing on matters where discussions could help advance toward a convergence of views in Copenhagen.
Unified Arabic-English-French Medical Dictionary to help advance of Medicine and health related sciences in Arabic countries.
Miller helped advance both.
Help advance through mini ranks.
Hidden networkers usually can help advance through the ranks easily.
From the twenty-three-year-old office assistant to the sixty-something cabinet secretary, these were the men and women who helped advance Bill's agenda and his vision of America.
Humanitarian intervention-which Power helped advance, though she vigorously opposed the Iraq War-should not be abandoned because of the failures in Baghdad.
The stated goal of the Initiative is to help advance growing bilateral ties in areas of mutual interest, including security, economics, energy and climate change, democracy and human rights.
He and his colleagues want every gun personalized so that only its owner can fire it - a technology that Colt's has helped advance.