Chamales has spent his life since committed to helping other alcoholics and addicts with their recovery.
Later in life, he became a minister and founded a halfway house to help recovering alcoholics and people with substance abuse problems.
Thereafter she devoted her energies to helping alcoholics and establishing treatment programs in California prisons.
He also gave up everything to help alcoholics, yet as he helped them they stole his belongings causing him to fall into depression.
With the approval of his Archbishop, he devoted himself to helping other alcoholics, particularly alcoholic priests.
AA states that its "primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics achieve sobriety".
We tried to help other alcoholics, with no thought of reward in money or prestige.
For this reason, experts are uncertain whether the medicine would help alcoholics who have stopped drinking.
He decides to help homeless alcoholics, and after being informed the halfway house is full, volunteers to keep them at his own house.
Wilson joined the Oxford Group and tried to help other alcoholics, but only succeeded in keeping sober himself.