The opening of the subway in 1904, first built as separate private systems, helped bind the new city together.
They have a very large family consisting of their uncles, cousins, and in-laws who help bind Horton.
Its proponents hope the program will help bind a nation that sometimes seems on the verge of fragmenting along ethnic lines.
All those things made his bunker feel more like home; they helped bind his grand ideas to his day-to-day life.
"Ron in many ways was the day-to-day operational force that helped bind that agency," the agent said.
Test-match broadcasting and his writing helped bind many personal wounds.
Some species of gourami will use pieces of plant to help bind the nest together.
He tells it to people like you to help bind them to him.
He ruffled the boy's unruly hair and helped bind his injured arm.
These roots help bind the sand dunes along the coast from eroding water and wind.