Of course, lenders have their own advisers to help borrowers who are in trouble, but often an independent voice is needed.
The need to help local borrowers, but to also remain profitable, was a constant source of tension within the bank.
Mortgage brokers have also gained an excellent reputation for helping marginal borrowers who cannot negotiate a loan on their own.
These new guidelines were developed to help borrowers with negative equity.
The new guidelines were developed to help borrowers who defaulted on their loans through no fault of their own.
But it is unclear whether the extra time will help borrowers or merely postpone defaults.
In 1964, with foreclosure rates on the rise, Nutter's company created a forbearance program to help borrowers who were behind on their house payments.
They have options to help borrowers through difficult financial times.
A £240 million Government scheme designed to help borrowers being evicted from their homes helped just 2,600 households, it has been revealed.
Loss mitigation efforts by mortgage lenders and government subsides, to be clear, can help borrowers and limit losses.