Mr. Smith said he was particularly grateful to the Mac users who helped crack the case.
If he was going to have any hope of keeping his career intact, he would need to be part of something that helped crack the case.
She says the changes brought by the Internet will help crack the bamboo ceiling.
It'll help crack her if she's hiding anything.
Pilgrim is exonerated when she helps crack the case, and subsequently leaves the police force.
The cops ask for assistance from a doctor who studies twins to help crack the case.
Investigators say one neighbor, who has not been identified, helped crack the case by wearing a hidden microphone to record conversations with some of the suspects.
The slatternly housekeeper, aware of the money, enlists a criminal acquaintance to help crack the safe.
Not long after that, other technologies helped crack the Japanese military code.
Those errors helped crack the case, even though, he said, it was a somewhat "high tech," strategically smart operation.