His hope is that the deal he is helping fashion will pass the relevant City Council committees today and tomorrow.
Nine plays later, the Vikings had covered 32 yards for a touchdown that helped fashion a 14-0 lead with 3:10 left in the half.
"It was the '86 tax act," he said, of the landmark bill he helped fashion.
He commissioned a 15-minute chamber work, based on the children's writings, and engaged a choreographer to help fashion a performance piece.
And they gladly play the parts of creative demigods, roles they've helped fashion for themselves.
To help fashion the 'whole child' they have needed to know the whole child.
He explained at trial how he helped fashion the deal so it would show a profit of about $1 million apart from the tax benefits.
Ms. Phillips also works in an exceptional setting, one that she helped fashion.
And I thank everyone who lent a hand, contributed to the record, and put shoulder to the wheel to help fashion the item before us.
Snell helped fashion a compromise that allowed regular Republican leaders a modicum of control.