Prosecutors summoned Google's Brazilian sales staff to a meeting on March 10 and asked them for help identifying users breaking Brazilian human rights laws.
The predominantly white audiences have needed no help identifying the reference to Nelson Mandela, who is the country's and perhaps the world's most famous political prisoner.
If you need help identifying the plant (or its associate poison oak) remember the adage, "leaves of three, let them be."
This site was for exploring flower images and, if users need help identifying a flower, uploading images for other people try to identify them.
For help identifying whether you require an import licence see our guide: do you need an export or import licence?
Even individuals can call for help identifying age, production place and even value of pipe finds (the latter only after examining the real object).
If we could have some help identifying exactly where the graves are, we could protect-" "They're all over!
I take it your next project will be to enlist help identifying anyone and everyone who has ever provided leaks to wikileaks, right?
After appearing on national television to appeal for help identifying himself, his fiancée Penny called Denver police identifying him.
Ranchers grazing on federal land will need help identifying alternate pastures on which to graze.