After several years, French's small cattle operation had expanded, helped in large part by Glenn as his financier.
But hospital officials said the 273-bed center continued to operate normally, helped in large part by the hiring of 105 replacement nurses.
Treasury securities prices rebounded yesterday, helped in large part, dealers said, by bearish domestic economic news and higher yields on key foreign debt issues.
Kippenberger is another artist who has had a large following recently, helped in large part by a spate of exhibitions.
The town's growth was helped in large part by the construction and development of Carswell Air Force Base.
Davis's participation will help in large part to determine how far that lineup advances.
He helped revive Japanese arts education, in significant part a response to his introduction of "school drama" to the elementary studies at Hiroshima Normal.
The improvement of dialogue among academics will help in large part to develop new competencies as well as to stimulate new program strategy.
The sale total was helped in large part by several hefty prices paid for pretty Impressionist paintings.