While she herself had a relatively privileged position, she devoted herself to helping other inmates.
She earned a degree in social work and pursued a career helping female inmates in Norwegian prisons.
They help inmates set goals, run support groups and match former prisoners with volunteers who serve as mentors.
For several years now, students have participated in helping inmates by offering them the 12-step program through their Miracles Prisoner Ministry.
Officers are not supposed to help inmates, and he does not.
An informer himself, albeit a reluctant one, is beaten and sent away for helping fellow inmates find out who the other informers are.
He studied legal procedure and began helping inmates with their cases.
In a social climate of widespread anger toward criminals, few administrators are eager to be seen as pushing programs that help inmates.
He also won state contracts each year for helping inmates serving the last six months of their terms re-enter society.
The church also helps former inmates with the transition back into the community.