As for helping officers in handling uncertainty, a lot of different methodologies are incorporated in courses.
Westminster council officials helped officers by loading tents and other equipment into lorries.
United States Presidents issue executive orders to help officers and agencies of the executive branch manage the operations within the federal government itself.
Vice Squad helped officers across the city deal with brothels and streetwalkers.
The designers were assigned to help officers who worked after Hurricane Katrina devastated the area.
Officer Stewart worked hard, studied for the sergeant's exam in January, and helped other officers on and off the job, they said.
All good for prisoners, but the Governor wants more to be done to help officers.
She argued that the program was poorly run but was doing positive work in helping military officers with "nation-building" activities.
Last year, a record 12 officers killed themselves, prompting the department to institute programs to help officers in trouble.
But now a handful of places will help corporate lawyers or senior financial officers who feel trapped in a rut really turn over a new leaf.