Many in the Strive program, like Mr. Walker, dropped out of high school and are getting help preparing to take the test for a high school equivalency diploma, the minimum educational requirement for a union apprenticeship, said Lizzette Dunn-Barcelona, Strive's executive vice president.
Need help preparing for your next doctor's visit?
Now he cooks for shoppers who want help preparing dinner at home.
He's a portrait artist, has lots'a work, needs help preparing canvases, he says.
She soon learns that her grandfather (Brown and L.B.'s father) had died, and they need help preparing for the funeral.
If you need help preparing the legal paperwork outlining your end-of-life wishes, go here and download a free PDF of the advance directive for your state.
The older generation probably needs no help preparing the chopped liver or the chicken soup, but publishers are hoping a younger generation now taking to the stove will want a recipe for hallah or some new menu ideas or, for that matter, the precise requisites for Rosh ha-Shanah or other holidays.
But that is no help to cities, counties and school districts preparing their own budgets.
Some of those students will need lots of extra help preparing for the tests.
"Do you need any help preparing the statement?"