Pujo helped prosecute 9 but the jury returned a dismissal after 1 hour of deliberation and the remaining defendants were released.
It says the Justice Department did almost nothing to help prosecute the violations.
She has long been reported ready to confess sin but not to help prosecute a crime.
In 1973, he helped prosecute some Watergate cases.
The government wanted him to help prosecute the other whistleblowers.
He worked mainly as an administrator, although he occasionally appeared in court to help the attorney general prosecute a case.
I'll hire Bowman myself and ship him out from Helena to help prosecute 'em.
He said he would bring Bowman down here to help prosecute them.
Years earlier, when she worked for Bill's family, he helped prosecute her for stealing.
It might help prosecute offenders after the fact, but if that's really what they're there for rather than deterrence, let's be honest about that fact.