They help each other, neighbors, relatives, and everybody.
Some people rummage out of financial need or to help relatives in another land.
For years, the Palestinian-Americans have quietly supported the cause, sending money home to help relatives they left behind.
Early immigrants to the United States from these counties in the 1980's, once established, offered to help relatives follow.
Palestinian villages can bring olive oil and other produce to help needy relatives in town.
Others clambered down from the top, risking their lives without a moment's thought to help their friends and relatives.
Reviewing a condolence book may help grieving relatives come to terms with the reality of their loss.
Altruists discriminate between the individuals they help and favor relatives.
He was always helping relatives, friends and neighbors with repairs and renovations.
Other issues that develop are concerned with caring people who wish to help relatives and friends express their grief.