Some on-line sites have gone so retro that they are providing actual human beings, through chat or E-mail, to help shoppers.
He is serving as the sole judge of a contest intended to help shoppers figure out what to do with his Spicy Diavolo Sauce.
The price of goods may be rising but Britain's "freeconomy" is helping penny-wise shoppers save a massive £51bn a year.
Companies say the process, called enhancement or deep marination, helps shoppers by flavoring the meat so they don't have to.
It would cost a fortune and it certainly wouldn't help shoppers much either.
But they also help busy shoppers at any time of year.
Such a guide would have helped shoppers and diners.
For almost four years, the guides have done their walking tours of downtown, doing what they can to help business owners and shoppers, tourists and office workers.
The company also trained its sales staff and hired interior decorators to help shoppers with decorating ideas.
Signs and colors will also be used extensively on the inside and in parking areas to help orient shoppers.