No amount of international conferences or summits will help Somalia.
There is no point of helping Somalia, a country of pirates and killers.
But beyond the humanitarian impulse, there was something appropriate about the United States moving in a substantial way to help Somalia.
You should help the former British and Italian Somalia to talk to each other and decide their destiny.
SAPC is a grass-roots organization established to help Somalia and its people.
Italia tried to come back and help Somalia during the 20 years and so Somalia disintegrated into the current crisis.
I just want to thank you as well as the British Government for taking the initiative to help Somalia in finding a solution to our 20 year conflict.
America tried to help Somalia in the early nineties....the anti-Imperialist brigade were up in arms; they got walloped; they pulled out.
Moscow responded by supporting Eritrean rebels, who have been fighting since 1962, and by helping Ethiopia's hostile neighbors, Somalia and the Sudan.
Although many relief agencies and organizations rushed to help Somalia as the scale of the famine it is facing became known, there has been wide criticism of their efforts in recent months.