The accompanying chart can help compute the daily cost of a visit to either Magic Kingdom.
Both concerts were a huge success, raising money to help offset the cost of participation in music programs at the high school.
While free, the author does request donations to help the cost of development and reward him for his work.
Researchers say communities can help curb the cost of obesity by encouraging healthy behaviors, such as:
The most common is the Stay-in-School program that provides a source of income to students to help pay the cost of tuition while attending school.
A drop in short-term interest rates helped lower the average cost of borrowed funds to 8.13 percent, from 8.6 percent a year ago.
The additional tax revenues would help cover the cost of hospital treatment for uninsured patients, replacing a financing system that expires on Dec. 31.
Canals and macadam roads helped lower the cost of transportation of coal, agricultural products, etc.
In particular, they may help reduce the total cost of the project by bundling tasks that under the traditional approach would be performed by separate entities.
The improved rating will help lower the cost of borrowing on international bond markets by the Mexican Government.