It struck me with helpless grief.
The film tells the story of Grace, who is still grappling with the disappearance of her daughter five years earlier, and her husband Lukas, which is trapped in his own helpless grief.
She knew she'd replay that endless run, the panic and the helpless grief, a thousand times in her dreams.
In helpless grief and rage, Tyrus and Erejzan had searched through the ashes, mourning, finding in horror that the ashes were bones and flesh reduced to the very earth.
Troubled, Tyros withdrew, leaving her to her grief, helpless to counter it.
I made some little soft sound before I could stop myself; some little expression of helpless grief.
Inside the wagon Dhrun snatched up his pipes and began to play, in a passion of fury and helpless grief for what was happening to Glyneth.
I had thrown myself beside her in an agony of helpless grief, and putting my arms around held her tight.
Strangely there was pity in his face, and he looked at Amandine with a gentleness that was rare in him, as if he understood a helpless grief.
The helpless grief welled up to rub the wound raw.