The Enterprise's screens had gone down completely, and she was a helpless target.
I could wash away the memory of hanging from the rope, a helpless target for the killer in the clearing.
The moment the car halted, or turned, The Shadow would be a helpless target.
But The Shadow was no longer in view as a helpless target.
He also shares knowledge of Sylar's methodology, picking easy, helpless targets rather than going after "big game."
The chauffeur realized that he was the helpless target for the man's gun.
This was her ploy: to catch the Citizen just when he thought he had a helpless target.
For a few seconds at least, Venera and her people were going to be helpless targets.
He knew that below him, Tiger Marsh was a helpless target.
They expected him to dive away, to become a helpless target when they found their aim.