There was an overfullness to Lidia's hennaed hair and to her lips.
She selfconsciously pushed back wisps of hennaed hair, her eyes twitching left and right, finally zeroing in on Mitch for his answer.
A small woman with brightly hennaed hair came hurrying up the hall, smiling with astonished cheerfulness.
A warm spring wind ruffles Jim's black curls and the fine hennaed hair of Brad.
This time a small woman with hennaed hair and gray roots, wearing a bunny-print housedress, opened the door.
The image in the mirror was that of a narrow-faced woman with hennaed hair, and deep-set gray eyes.
He looks like a slimmer Tom Arnold with hennaed hair and big brown eyes.
With long hennaed hair and wearing brown artificial-leather pants, she didn't look the least bit kawaii herself.
Two pretty young girls passed him by, students by the look of them, and the one with long hennaed hair smiled.