Some herbs and spices contain quite high amounts, although meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy products all have little to no salicylates.
Some people use figwort as a substitute for devil's claw, because the two herbs contain similar chemicals.
An herb prepared as a tea may contain none of the active ingredients if those ingredients do not dissolve in water.
Some traditional herbs contain natural corticosteroids, which may reduce itching.
These herbs contain a poisonous chemical called atropine.
For example, some herbs and drugs contain substances that have a mild testosterone-like effect.
Several herbs contain natural plant estrogens (phytoestrogens) that are similar to but weaker than the estrogen hormone found in a woman's body.
Similarly, some herbs and spices naturally contain substances which, in high concentrations, can cause health problems.
The herb contains the alkaloid leonurine, which is a mild vasodilator and has a relaxing effect on smooth muscles.
The herb, its maker claims, "contains no plant hormones, unlike soy/genistein and black cohosh."