The hearty result, a braised dish similar to what the French call a daube or éstouffade, was in total harmony with the complex, deeply fruited, sometimes herbaceous flavors of the 2004 Châteauneuf-du-Pape wines.
These soils contribute to clean, pure varietal flavors without odd or herbaceous flavors that wetter soil may cause.
Like most who have cooked Ireland's salt-marsh lamb, Allen will grant that the creature's diet of clover and grass and herbs and nettles gives the meat a distinct, herbaceous flavor.
Belonging to the same family as parsley, they have a similar herbaceous flavor, though the texture is much chewier.
The Chinon reds, by contrast, are light-bodied, fruity and aromatic, with a pleasing acidity and herbaceous flavor.
During the summer, Hosaka's shiso kiri noodles are bright green and bursting with herbaceous flavor; from November through March golden yuzu kiri (citron) are featured.
Fontina has a mild, somewhat nutty flavor, while rich, herbaceous and fruity.
Beluga can have hints of nuts or fruit and can finish with a subtle copper taste or a delicate herbaceous flavor, depending on its origin.
Unlike the delicate, herbaceous flavor of most vernal produce (which requires a short amount of cooking and little embellishment), rhubarb has a mean, sharp bite that demands coaxing, seasoning, sweetening and simmering.
This can backfire to produce green, herbaceous flavors and coarse, astringent wine lacking the grape's characteristic vibrant fruitiness.