Tell me, when's the last time you heard anything that sounds like "something" in the background of the herbal essences commercial?
A bitters is an alcoholic beverage flavored with herbal essences and has a bitter or bittersweet flavor.
Curry leaves in particular are an essential element of authentic sambar, provideing a distinct and pleasant herbal essence.
It was the same herbal essence she'd been wearing the day?
There are lots of treatments and packages, but to get the best you should ask for the Dead Sea mud wrap with herbal essences.
I detect a fragrance, an herbal essence.
The herbs are replaced by herbal essences, e.g. tarragon vinegar.
Some vermouth goes in, too, to add an herbal essence.
Moreover, the choice of organic oils is, at present, limited mainly to herbal essences such as lavender, chamomile, thyme and marjoram.
These are a different species, which do not contain as much of the herbal essence, or may indeed not contain any.