Similarly, foods for herbivorous fish such as lettuce or cucumbers should be washed before being placed in the tank.
They are herbivorous fish specializing in filamentous algae.
However baby shrimp are likely to be eaten by any fish other than the otocinclus and some other herbivorous fish.
The marble headstander is a predominately herbivorous fish and as such should be given a high vegetation diet.
Corals need herbivorous fish to keep unwanted algae under control.
Farming may be beneficial by increasing the production of herbivorous fishes and shellfish in the area.
-Algae magnets can be used to hold down lettuce leaves for herbivorous fish.
The most promising removal method was the use of submerged shelters to raise local densities of herbivorous fishes.
It is a herbivorous fish eating primarily filamentous algae.
The large algae went uneaten, its urchin predators gone and the schools of herbivorous fish wobbly.