Musli Hyseni, 20 years old, said he was herded into a room with a television along with 600 other people.
Law enforcement officers set up command posts inside and outside the building and herded about 60 people into a room on the first floor.
They herded store employees into a back room and stole a Gap night deposit pouch containing nearly $2,600, the police said.
Bolan was herded into a large, open room that contained little furniture, but held a considerable amount of computer equipment.
A few Iraqi doctors and nurses yell at them in Arabic as they are herded into a room for safety.
The hostages had been herded into a room on the second floor where their captors would have a clear view of the courtyard.
A marine watched over four women and four children who had been herded into a dark room in the rear.
Finally we were herded into a big room with stone walls and left, a golden-barred door slamming closed behind us.
The rest of the newsmen were herded into a room, and that was the last Wes saw of them.
The photographers are herded back into a small room and told they must wait.