"Yeah, the white buffalo drops dead and the whole herd scatters!"
Just then the lead stag's head came up and the small herd scattered.
A small herd of zebra that had been grazing on the grass strip scattered at their approach and plunged away at full gallop.
As Cheng parked the Mercedes in the observation area overlooking the pool, a small herd of kudu that had been drinking from it took fright and scattered into the surrounding bush.
The herd scattered in terror, some running up the hill.
Dr. Rammell said he could have captured the escaped elk by luring them into a trap baited with grain and molasses, but once the shooting started, he said, the herd scattered.
The Mission buildings, granaries, orchards, and gardens were allowed to decay, and the great herds scattered.
Goats and a herd of sheep scattered as we flashed overhead.
The claim-jumper, watching the bench land through a pair of field glasses, saw a herd of cows and calves scattered and feeding contentedly upon the young grass a mile or so away.
When the lion had made its latest kill, the herd had scattered, as it usually did when one of its number was brought down.