Again, I invoke what will be known hereafter as the "U2 Defense."
The above rights may be exercised in all media and formats whether now known or hereafter devised.
For this he was hereafter known as "The Butcher".
The Big Shot, hereafter known as B.S., did not notice the entree.
Minutes of the town's 1858 organizational meeting at Richland's mill school show voters decided the community would "be hereafter known by the name of Richfield."
I, Lanefenuu, so proclaim it and so it shall be known hereafter.
The monster, hereafter known as "Frankenstein", breaks loose and goes on the run from the Japanese police.
In 1990 both entities merged in a single savings bank, hereafter known by the commercial name of Kutxa.
One anonymous contributor to the Reformed Presbyterian magazine wondered if the "new system shall not be known hereafter by the name of Luskism.
Béla IV and his son jointly confirmed the liberties of the royal servants, hereafter known as noblemen in 1267.