In the name of the Klingon people, I hereby charge you with treason and murder.
"According to the Measure, Sturm Brightblade," Derek began formally, "I hereby charge you with conspiracy and-" 'To the Abyss with the Measure!
"Quintus Servilius Caepio Junior, I hereby formally charge you with minor treason, in that you did attempt to obstruct a tribune of the plebs in the execution of his duty, and that you did threaten to harm the sacrosanct person of a tribune of the plebs."
Henry Wilt, I hereby charge you with .
He who splashes or mutters, whispers or sneezes-I hereby charge that man with full responsibility for our failure to regain that which we seek.
He continued, "I, King of Threle, do hereby charge you, Llewelyn, priest and scholar, with high treason against my person and people.
I hereby charge you with being an illegal immigrant.
Anshutz and both Stephenses took their accusations to the Philadelphia Sketch Club: "We hereby charge Mr. Thom Eakins with conduct unworthy of a gentleman & discreditable to this organization & ask his expulsion from the club."
I hereby charge you, Your Exalted, to so operate your department as to prevent, not to cause, the destruction of persons and of property by those enemies of all mankind the Chlorans.