Anyway, the International Harvesters hereby claim their honors as one of the better bands Neil Young has performed with in his long career.
I hereby claim the Huge Reward!
"As Minister of Justice to the city's overlord, I hereby claim this parcel here . . ." He pointed with the borrowed quill.
You are Frankie's sister and I hereby claim my £5!
On behalf of the Council of Thanes and the people of Kal-Thax," he roared, "I hereby claim all the lands we have traveled, to and including this place where we stand, as part of Kal-Thax.
"I, Max Stuart, Felix of the Red Rock Pride, hereby claim Kitty Sugarman as my mate!"
Alexander, if there is to be a change in the inheritance regimes for monarchy and it is to be opened to women, why not open it all the way and I hereby claim my right to rule for the day on November the fifth this year.
"By the power vested in us by the Federated Sentient Planets, we hereby claim this planet and name it Pern!"
Under these Constitutional rights, the bill declares that "the State of Oklahoma hereby claims sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the Constitution of the United States."
"In this case," said Cugel, "I hereby claim you as an item upon my score, since I sent you into the cave to test the circumstances to be encountered."