Their current statement on health is that the breed has no serious physical or mental hereditary illnesses.
Still others are obscure, like Wilson's disease, a hereditary illness that causes liver and brain damage.
Others, however, think that there is no evidence of homosexuality and that his suicide was instead precipitated by an hereditary psychiatric illness.
In both sexes, the severity of a hereditary illness can vary widely.
In some cases, autopsies have also detected hereditary illnesses, providing essential information for surviving relatives.
Talk therapy offered a message of hope, in contrast to the pessimism that came with theories of hereditary illness and degeneration.
He was afflicted with a hereditary mental illness and attended a sanatorium at regular intervals.
He was struck blind by an hereditary illness 4 years ago.
If successful, gene therapy could eventually offer effective treatment for as many as 4,000 hereditary illnesses, including cystic fibrosis.
Greyhounds are typically a healthy and long-lived breed, and hereditary illness is rare.