In an attempt to gain more tax revenues, the king's financial advisor Paulet instituted the Paulette in 1604, a yearly tax of 1/60th of the price of the office that insured hereditary transmission.
By that terrible vril, in which, from want of hereditary transmission, I could never be a proficient?
Any somatic mutation in this cell can lead to hereditary transmission of that mutation.
I regret that I did not make more space for de Lubicz's amazing ideas on evolution - for instance that "salt accumulated in the bones is the seat of a hereditary transmission through the germ cells."
Here the doctrine of hereditary transmission of moral qualities must own that it has overlooked the fertility (for growth of good and for growth of evil equally) which is inherent in human nature.
Ever since Augustine, the hereditary transmission of original sin has been the official doctrine of the Catholic church.
Yet, a hereditary transmission of a holding remained dependent on the vassal's relationship with his lord.
The Hyo clan's main trait is the hereditary transmission of supernatural powers from generation to generation.
The chief idea of the latter book is the existence of Idioplasm, a part of protoplasm serving for hereditary transmission.
The definition of genetics is the branch of biology that deals with heredity, especially the mechanisms of hereditary transmission and the variation of inherited characteristics among similar or related organisms.