Since laws and regulations change frequently, nothing provided herein should be used as a substitute for the advice of an attorney.
Paragraph 5 provides that the effective date of the Constitution is January 1, 1948, "except as herein otherwise provided."
The information provided herein should not be used during any medical emergency or for the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition.
Section 400 of the state penal law states that any license to possess a pistol "shall be in force and effect until revoked as herein provided."
The table herein provides hardiness zone data for some European cities (based on climatological data):
SFFAS No. 8 is provided herein for your convenience and future use.
Using the information provided herein, one may search the Office's database to obtain additional information about a particular NIE.
Any such ordinance in effect at the time of the adoption of this section shall cease to be effective until approved by the electors as provided herein.
No legislation regarding "matters pertaining to the legislative, judicial, or other organization, laws, or customs of the several tribes or nations, except as herein provided for"
The content provided herein are meant as ASEAN resources and do not represent the policies, views or opinions of the U.S. Government.