Today from 1 to 7 p.m. Indian heritage celebration.
The most ambitious cycle is the nine-week series of Heritage Celebrations - festivals celebrating ethnic traditions and accomplishments.
Although today it is recognized in some countries as a day of Mexican heritage celebration, it is not a federal holiday in Mexico.
Valhalla - Italian Heritage Celebration, food, activities for children, cultural exhibits and a bocce contest.
Interpretive events such as music, storytelling, and ranger-led talks about history and archeology regularly occur during the Heritage Celebration.
For the annual Asian heritage celebration in 1991, Mr. Lai organized Chinese restaurant stands.
Today from 1 till about 6 P.M. there will be music, food and fun at the yearly Polish Heritage Celebration.
To round out the week, next Sunday from 4 to 8 P.M. is the Italian Heritage Celebration.
This festival is a shared heritage celebration between the two border cities of Brownsville, Texas and Matamoros, Tamaulipas.
Natural Heritage Celebration (April)