The hermeneutic approach seeks to capture the specific, personal, and highly-contextualized elements of an individual's story.
The hermeneutic approach allows Geertz to close the distance between an ethnographer and a given culture similar to reader and text relationship.
The Kitab al-Umm is noted for its hermeneutic approach to developing legal principles, basing them on revelation rather than traditional authority.
Every hermeneutic approach takes them as the alpha of understanding but not all make them also the omega.
Hence the level-of-analysis problem also troubles a hermeneutic approach.
Carver is a political theorist taking a textual, hermeneutic and postmodern approach to classic texts and problems.
A hermeneutic approach to Islam and human rights, he claims, must acknowledge the idea of historical change.
Opponents claim that a hermeneutic approach is too relativist and that their own interpretations are based on common-sense evaluation.
He opposes to this a hermeneutic approach which asks always what a particular utterance is for and where it is located.
Historically, three hermeneutic approaches have been used among Churches of Christ.