After defeating his false self, the hero encounters the real one and reveals his true, dragon-like form.
Soon, however, the children thought it was "cool that their hero, Harry, was encountering some of the creatures of mythology."
The heroes later encounter him guarding the portal to Prison 42 in the Negative Zone.
During the adventure, the heroes encounter 155 different enemies, which are kept track in a bestiary.
Zeke is a mysterious dark warrior that all the heroes encounter, he has great power and skill.
The heroes then encounter Garbo who they also kill.
On the way to her city, the hero has already encountered another lady of enchantments, an elf-queen, and defeated a giant who was guarding her.
Within each stage, there are fairly typical scenarios that most super heroes encounter.
Inside the tank, the hero encounters Ballade, yet another robot specially designed to kill him.
Throughout the album, the hero encounters a number of immoral inhabitants in a fictional English village.