Lesley put up a heroic fight to the end.
He died in Munich on February 23, 1999 from prostate cancer after several years of heroic fight against this deadly affliction.
The old importer was trying to protect his dead junior partner, Juble, because of the heroic fight that the latter had put up.
The heroic fight by the Coast Guardsmen had not been in vain.
The battlefield memorials attest to the heroic fight and loss on both sides.
The climax is a heroic fight between Arjun and Deva.
It was a heroic fight.
He gave a speech about the heroic fights of the Polish Army against Bolsheviks.
For thirty years the Arabs of Palestine waged a heroic but unequal fight against Britain.
All the usual paraphernalia is there--heroic fight against odds, escape at the last moment, shots of galloping horses, love interest, comic relief.