A heroic, exhaustive journey, both documentary and personal, through the struggle, especially the violent summer of 1963; by a daughter of the city's white elite.
During this musically heroic journey, he suffered a nervous breakdown and soon retired to his bed, where he spent years in isolation.
So this is a heroic journey into feeling, a spiritual and somatic odyssey into accepting one's part in the world's lunatic cruelty.
Another heroic journey is under way in "Shaman King," which is based on a 1998 Japanese novel of the same name.
In the film, Hobbs hits a home run to win the game and complete his heroic journey.
The film presents Monette's life as an unabashedly heroic journey from fear into ferocity.
The heroic journey into dark and dangerous terrain is a classic.
Acid involved a heroic journey, while E is an extended moment.
The second half of the story focuses on the heroic journey of their son, messianic Claudio Kilgannon.
It also corresponds with the "center" of Scrooge's heroic journey, being the point where his life is decided.