Recalling the Mustang, he hesitantly touched the left side of his forehead just below the hairline.
He reached up and hesitantly touched the side of her face.
One of them, a quiet girl with long dark hair, hesitantly touched Kayla's hands, as if expecting them to burn her.
Kahlan hesitantly touched a hand to the back of Nadine's shoulder.
She hesitantly touched a hand to his shoulder.
She hesitantly touched the latter; it was noticeably warm.
"All but you," I said with the sudden wave of pained understanding washing over me, putting one hand out to hesitantly touch his.
The younger man hesitantly touched the time portal, and looked at the central portion, which was clear.
Moving silently up behind him, she hesitantly touched his back and was quite unprepared for the violent start he gave.
Reaching out, he hesitantly touched one of the faint marks that had almost disappeared on her back.